ANTH 101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Eskimo Kinship, Dowry, Turkana Boy

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6 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Cultural anthropology: seeks to understand human variation using contemporary peoples, similar to sociology but tends to study less-industrialized indigenous or marginal groups. Archaeology: prehistoric archaeology seeks to understand human variation through the material record, historical archaeology seeks to understand human variation through material and written record. Anthropological linguistics: linguistics seeks to understand human variation through language, sociolinguists study aspects of language and their relationship to culture such as discourse, linguists can also be highly specialized and focus on cognition or structure. All fields compare/contrast human societies across time and space. Emphasize fieldwork to collect data rather than using secondary data. Holistic integrate understandings of human biology, behavior, and culture from across the table. Early cultural evolution thought race could be measured using characteristics such as skin color, head size, moral, and mental capacities. Boas: no uniform set of measurements can distinguish groups of people systematically.