LING 101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Verb Phrase, Adpositional Phrase, Vocal Tract

93 views7 pages
7 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Language a system of rules that can be used to communicate thoughts, ideas, information, and meaning. Mental grammar system of knowledge about language in your mind. Descriptive grammar a linguist"s description of speakers" mental grammar based on how people actually speak. Prescriptive grammar rules for how people should speak. Language is universally and uniquely human: all humans have capacity for language, no non-human species have the same kind of language system we have, phonetics. Consonants formed by some kind of obstruction/closure of vocal tract, usually by the tongue, stopping or inhibiting air flow. Vowels formed by outward airflow through the vocal tract; no or almost no closure of vocal tract. Glides share properties of both consonants and vowels: obstruct airflow more than true vowels, but less than true consonants, labiovelar glide [w, palatal glide [j] Bilabials both lips are brought together to form a closure. Labiodentals lower lip touches the upper front teeth.