HDF 211 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Shy Child, Display Rules, Vocal Folds

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When should parents respond to crying, and why: three types of cries, basic cry, crying for hunger and basic needs. Rhythmic cry: anger cry, variation of basic cry with excess air forced through the vocal cords, pain cry, a sudden long, initial loud cry followed by the holding of breath. How does this help infants: social referencing, reading emotional cues in others to help determine how to act in a particular situation, the development of social referencing helps infants interpret ambiguous situations more accurately. North america: behavioral inhibition is valued more highly in china than in the. Personality: what 2 stages of social-emotional development, are discussed from. What does each contribute to the exploration of the social world: locomotion, as infants develop the ability to move about by themselves, they can explore and expand their social world. Why is this an important social accomplishment: occurs toward the end of the first year.