[BSC1010C] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (52 pages long)

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1 Dec 2016

Document Summary

This is used to respond to the environment, reproduce, etc: response to stimuli, reproduction, homeostasis, adaptation to change. The single question that underlies scientific thinking: how do you know this is true? . Devise a testable prediction: step 4: Elements are the building blocks of cells: cannot be broken down any further. Electrons: negatively charged: atomic number: number of protons, atomic mass: protons and electrons. Electrons: orbit nucleus in shells, each atom has a different number of electrons and protons, atoms are most stable when shells are full. Most abundant elements are nitrogen, oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. But it"s still important: molecules that are polar with an unequal charge distribution will always seek out other molecules to interact with, things that dissolve well in water are hydrophilic, things that don"t are hydrophobic. Gen bio 3: molecules: groups of atoms held together by energy in a stable association, compounds: molecules that contain atoms of >1 element.