SOP3004 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Illusory Correlation, Embodied Cognition, Totalitarianism

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7 Sep 2016

Document Summary

Test review chapter 1 & 2: a theory is an integrated set of principles that explain and predict observed events. Theories are a scientific shorthand: values their personal convictions about what is desirable and how people ought to behave, our culture helps define our situations. They continually monitor their own behavior and note how others react, then adjust their social performance to gain a desired effect. Is self-esteem the sum of all our self-views across various domains: albert bandura captured the power of positive thinking in his research and theorizing about self-efficacy (how competent we feel on a task). Believing in our own competence and effectiveness pays dividends: most cultures native to asia, africa, and central and south america place a greater value on collectivism, by respecting and identifying with the group. In these cultures, people are more self-critical and focus less on positive self-views: defensive pessimism can sometimes save us from the perils of unrealistic optimism.