ANTH 110 Midterm: Anthro. Exam 1 Review

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10 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Anthropology: a discipline that studies humans, focusing on the study of differences and similarities both biological and cultural, in human populations. Anthropology is concerned with typical biological and cultural characteristics of human populations in all periods and all parts of the world (text) the study of human variation and diversity across time and space (syllabus). The holistic approach: anthropologists interested in peoples over time and across cultures; it is a comparative and holistic field. Holistic refers to an approach that studies man aspects of a multifaceted system (i. e. the whole of the human condition) approach a research problem or question from many different perspectives. Human variation and diversity over time, and across cultures. Ethnology: (also called cultural anthropology): the study of the characteristics of various people and the differences and relationships between them. Two dimensions of anthropology (academic and applied: four traditional sub-disciplines of anthropology (physical or biological)