PHIL 1033 Study Guide - Final Guide: Jean-Paul Sartre, Martin Heidegger

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Frankfurt - everything came together into a nice neat harmony where there would be value to. Moderate epictetus - in order to be fully functional we need to try to accept things as they happen and not get too upset if they don"t work out. Extreme epictetus - the best life is one with no disappointment where we just detach from everything completely. Socrates - it"s not a matter of arbitrarily choosing a passion con ict and disappointment. Epictetus question - both epictetus" - the best life is adjusting to how things are and not wanting things to be a certain way or expecting them to but being okay with however they end up being. Instead of getting upset at the way things are we can just think that its for the better. Moderate - have attactchmgents to other human beings but realize that they"re different and may say or do things that upset us.