BIOL 310 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Central Pattern Generator, Black-Headed Gull, Nikolaas Tinbergen

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6 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Waiting for the right mutation to give the right behavior. Fitness is relative- an adaptation only has to be good enough, it does not have to be perfect. Phylogenetic constraints- the species does not allow something (like bears with thumbs) Adaptive gene complexes- you can"t get there from here, it would take to many gene changes. Time lags- an animal has an effective mechanism but it no longer works (like armadillos and cars) Linkage- a good trait linked with bad (humans with the largest brain, are the only species that commit suicide) Also, animals do not care about there species, themselves and their young, yes. But they do not do things for the species as a whole. Using fossil records: can tell migration patterns, can tell nesting patterns (if parent found on nest it shows they stay on the nest as opposed to leaving it)