[NURS 372] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (54 pages long)

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Document Summary

Individuals with mental illnesses retain same legal rights as everyone else in society. Imminent danger must be present to treat involuntarily. Involuntarily treatment in a non-emergency situation, a person must be judged incompetent by a court of law. Voluntary admission: the client or client"s guardian chooses admission to a mental health facility in order to obtain treatment. Has the right to apply for release at any time. Has the right to refuse medication and treatment. Temporary emergency admission: the client is admitted for emergent mental health care due to the inability to make decisions regarding care. The medical healthcare provider may initiate the admission which is then evaluated by a mental healthcare provider. Involuntary admission: the client enters the mental health facility against his/her will for an indefinite period time. The admission is based on the client"s need for psychiatric treatment, the risk of harm to self or others, or the inability to provide self-care.