[CMD 272] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (36 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Study of structures and related parts from greek (cid:498)to cut up(cid:499) from the greek word (cid:498)physis(cid:499) meaning (cid:498)nature(cid:499) Study of activities and functions of structures and related parts: divisions of anatomy. Descriptive: body = number of systems. Geriatric: emphasis on the practical application of knowledge of anatomy, details of anatomy are viewed through a microscope, studies the growth of the organism from a single cell until birth, focus on elderly population, divisions of physiology. Applied: general laws of life and function, use of knowledge of physiology for a specific purpose (e. g. , medicine) Experimental: knowledge of the function of living things is revealed through the use of subjects. Pathologic: study of the function of specific organs, study of how function is altered by the presence of disease, major topographic regions process. Lower extremities: anatomic planes of reference. Coronal: divides the body into right and left, divides the body into anterior and posterior sections.