[CH 301] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (19 pages long!)

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5 Oct 2016

Document Summary

State function: describe the system as it sits (pressure, volume, temp, amt. of substance) There are four very important other unseen state functions => energy state function (h: Enthalpy (heat), u: internal energy (all energy)(will be same as kinetic energy of an ideal gas), g: free energy, s: entropy (energy dispersal). oc= 273. 15 k. Pv can be any units, nt have to be mol + k. = 8. 314 j/ mol k (energy version, when you want energy units for an answer) 3) chemists think like chemists => explain macroscopic (see, touch, feel, measure) observation via microsccopic (molecular level) explanations (requires abstract thinking, leads to modeling) Apartial pressures: pt = pa + pb + pc + etc Mole fraction: xa = mol a / total moles. Stp: standard temp (0 c or 273. 15k) and pressure (1 atm) for gas laws, 1 mol gas = 22. 4.