GRG 305 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Population Geography, Carrying Capacity, Natalism

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Contemporary human geography- shaping the human mosaic: introduction. Population geography: the study of the spatial and ecological aspects of population, including distribution, density per unit of land area, fertility, gender, health, age, mortality, and migration: more than 7 billion people inhabit the earth today. i. Population density: a measurement of population per unit of area, e. g. , per square mile. People are very unevenly distributed, creating huge disparities in density. Continent density breakdown i. ii. iii. iv. v. Carrying capacity: the maximum number of people that can be supported in a given area i. ii. The population beyond which a given environment cannot provide support without becoming significantly damaged. Sometimes the carrying capacity of one place can be expanded by drawing on the resources of another place. a. Example: americans consume far more food, products, and natural resources than do most other people in the world: 26 percent of the entire world"s petroleum is consumed by the u. s.