GRG 305 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Gerontology Research Group, Tertiary Sector Of The Economy, Wage Theft

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The hdi (human development index) is a composite statistic that takes into account longevity, educational attainment, and standard of living (reducing the latter to per capita gdp (ppp), which is not very realistic). It is a commonly employed index although unfortunately it ignores gender equity and environmental conditions. In any case, the story appears much the same there are different worlds in which people live. Developed world versus developing world has replaced the older division into first world, second world, and. Still are not great labels (make two wrong assertions) i. Is our development defined by qualities (e. g. diligence and intelligence) within our own borders or a particular relationship to the rest of the world (e. g. a type of exploitation)? ii. Assumes that they are moving in our direction. Primary sector (extractive industries: mining & oil drilling ii. iii. iv. Secondary sector (processing: manufacturing ii. iii. iv. v.