MIS 302F Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Disruptive Innovation, Computer And Network Surveillance, Cloud Computing

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Describe the macroeconomic impact of it on the economy, society, and your own life. Recognize the evolution of it over time from simplicity to complexity. Explain the impacts of disruptive innovation and creative destruction on different industries. Define and appreciate the difficulty of the innovator"s dilemma. Overview of how it influences the way we live and how it has changed the firms we do business with. It can be a creative destruction or disruptive innovation depending on which industry this concept is applied to. We"ll also investigate the innovator"s dilemma, how technology challenges can lead to a company"s demise, and what are the potential solutions. How it has evolved over time and how it is such a unique industry compared to others in the business world. Impact on us, businesses, society, and the way we live. Using science or engineering to improve our lives. Something new and cutting edge that solves problems. Something that can be disruptive to our world.