BIOL 3322 Midterm: notes test 3

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14 Feb 2019

Document Summary

Brain and behavior test 3: learning, memory, and amnesia, learning: a relatively permanent change in behavior as a result of experience. Not exactly examining whats going on in the brain but instead the behavior: memory: an ability to recall or recognize previous experience, engram: carl lashley"s term for the physical representation of memory in the brain. Types of memory: declarative memory, semantic memory: general facts. Ex: i know what a guitar is: episodic memory: events. Ex: i remember buying my first guitar: procedural memory, skills. Ex: i remember how to play the guitar. Supposed to release ach: hippocampus, cortex, treatments, acetyl coa + choline chat acetylcholine achase choline + acetate: prolongs ach release in brain, achase inhibitors. Learn to ignore a stimulus that is presented repeatedly. Aplysia habituates to touching of cyphen and gill does not withdraw anymore. Same stimulation after habituation reduction in the release of neurotransmitter as a result of habituation: sensitization if aplysia: