POLS 401 Study Guide - Computer File, Prior Probability, Micro Instrumentation And Telemetry Systems

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

The purposes of coding are: 1) to save many hours spent transferring data to a code sheet prior to. Missing value code should also be the same (ex: 9, 99 as long as number can"t be. Higher values for positive responses, lower values for negative responses. (ex: 1 = Identical response sets use same coding scheme (ex: no = 0, yes = 1, dk/ns = 2. Saves times, makes data easier to analyze, makes statistics easier to interpret! What are the main types of information that should be included in a codebook? variable. What is the rationale for the coding logic discussed in class such as assigning higher values to more positive categories of ordinal variables? analyze later. Identifying sources of instrumentation and question wording bias. The questions, variable names, code values for responses, and level of measurement of the. This coding logic keeps things consistent and sensible, making data easier to interpret and.