PSYC 110 Study Guide - Final Guide: Offender Profiling, Seed, Acetone Peroxide

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Trait: a consistent, long-lasting tendency in behavior, such as shyness, hostility, or talkativeness. State: a temporary activation of a particular behavior. For example, being afraid at a particular moment is a state; being nervous most of the time is a trait. First, they compare the similarities between identical twins & fraternal twins. Five studies conducted in separate locations indicated much greater similarities in extraversion between identical pairs than fraternal pairs. Second, researchers compare the personalities of parents, their biological children, & their adopted children. Parents" extraversion levels correlate moderately with those of their biological children but hardly at all with their adopted children. Similarly, biologically related brothers and sisters growing up together resemble each other moderately in personality, & unrelated children adopted into the same family do not. Children who were fearful & easily upset at age 3 were more nervous & inhibited than others at age 26.