PSYC 110 Study Guide - Final Guide: Observational Learning, Classical Conditioning

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Classical conditioning (pavlov: learn signaling properties of events, involves learning relations between events- conditioned and unconditioned stimuli that occur outside of one"s control. Unconditioned stimulus: a stimulus that automatically leads to an observable response prior to any training. Conditioned stimulus: the neutral stimulus that is paired with the unconditioned stimulus during classical conditioning. Conditioned response: the acquired response that is produced by the conditioned stimulus in anticipation of the unconditioned stimulus. Know the differences classical conditioning-operant conditioning - Observational learning: classical learning from signals vs. operant learning from consequences from voluntary actions vs. observational learning by observing the experience of others. +/- punishment +/- reinforcement: behavior can be reinforced or punished. Anything that increases likelihood of behavior: reinforcement.