PBIO 004 Study Guide - Ushahidi, Netbook, Digital Pen

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A computer needs both hardware and software to work. A pc is a self-contained computer with input, processing, storage, and output. A desktop computer includes a system unit and a separate monitor, keyboard, and mouse. A mobile computer is a computer that can be moved around. A typical laptop (notebook) has a monitor that when swiveled up reveals a keyboard with the remaining components housed below. A netbook is a small notebook designed primarily for email and internet access. Ultabooks are thinner, lighter and more powerful notebooks. A tablet pc is a lightweight notebook with a smaller screen that you interact with using touch or a digital pen. Using computers and other electronic devices in an environmentally responsible manner is known as green computing. Green computing practices, policies and procedures strive to reduce energy consumption; reduce use of paper and paper supplies; and reuse, recycle or properly dispose of electronics.