COMP LIT 201 Study Guide - Final Guide: Vedas, Dharma, Humbaba

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Document Summary

Paradise lost: time: 17th century, author: john milton, language: english, first major english epic. It"s a sad task, yet argument, not less but more heroic than the wrath of ster achilles on his foe pursued. Thrice fugitive about troy wall or rage of turnus for. Lavinia disaepoused: writing about other epics, implicatino of the muse, claiming to be writing under divine inspiritaion confident in abilities. Heaven and explains how the son of god drove satan and his minions down to. Adam of satan"s plot to seduce them into sin, and also narrates the story of the fallen angels, as well as the fall of satan. Raphael/michael: before the fall angel, knowldeg is all over the place, talks about where the heavens move, theoretical/scientific knowledge, practical knowledge, self knowledge, a knowledge of good vs. evil. Adam is a strong, intelligent, and rational character possessed of a remarkable relationship with god.