RP & SE 300 Study Guide - Racial Segregation In The United States, Encarta, Free Appropriate Public Education

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Policy a program of actions adopted by a group, or government. Or the set of principles on which they are based. Legislation a law or set of laws passed by an official body like a governmental agency or assembly. Case law law decided by precedent; law established on basis of previous verdicts (encarta) Injustice or discrimination is perceived to have occurred. Outcomes of lawsuits promote interest in establishing policy or legislation. A quick review: how an idea becomes a law, http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=ouztiqcvb. From case law to legislation: brown v board of education, topeka ks. 1954 case action lawsuit (5 families) Issue educational segregation: tested the separate but equal concept established in. Decision: racially segregated schools did not provide equal educational opportunity. Specifically exclusion of students with mr from schools: decision: all children (6-21) with mr must have access to school & be integrated into. From case law to legislation: pennsylvania association for retarded.