POLS 1101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Demagogue, Bicameralism, Social Contract

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21 Sep 2016

Document Summary

Understand and be able to explain each of the following concepts: Government- claims the monopoly of the legitamate use of. Thomas hobbes- life without government would be war aka state of nature. State of war-life during state of nature. Social contract theory-giving up liberty for security & government. Popular sovereignty-government is made from the powers of the people. Tacit consent-locke"s idea of once you become an adult, you have a decision: if you stay, you agree with the contract . Mob rule-people that follow the majority vote. Demagogue-a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument; & processes which make majority rule difficult to win; slows down law making process to give time for people to calm down . French national assembly of 1789 (radicals v. monarchists)-they split in two about whether to conserve the monarchy or not. Left v. right-radicals sat to the left,