PSY-2150 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Causal Inference, Empirical Evidence, Falsifiability

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Applied research directly focuses on helping to solve or evaluate a specific real world problem. Authority involves relying on other people as our source of knowledge and beliefs. Basic research examines the fundamental nature of phenomena. Causal inference to conclude that variable x had a causal effect on variable y. Confirmation (congeniality) bias our tendency to selectively seek information that supports our views and avoid disconfirming information. Control having influence over research settings and procedures and over the application of scientific knowledge. Empirical knowledge knowledge based on the senses and experiences with the world. Empirical question (empirical claim) in principle can be tested empirically: through observation. Empiricism the process of acquiring knowledge directly through observation and experience, the philosophical viewpoint that all knowledge is derived from experience. Falsifiability in principle an assertion is testable if we can envision gathering some type of empirical evidence that will reveal the assertion to be false.