PSY-2150 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Observer-Expectancy Effect, Naturalistic Observation, U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Rating

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Archival records: previously existing documents or other data that were produced independently of the current research. Behavioral coding system: involves classifying participants" responses into mutually exclusive categories. Blind observation: observers should be kept unaware (i. e. , blind to) all hypotheses being tested and any key information about participants that relates to those hypotheses. Case study: an in-depth analysis of an individual, social unit, or event. Diary: participants record their behaviors or experiences for defined periods of time or whenever certain events take place. Disguised versus undisguised observation: based on whether the individuals being studied are aware that they being observed. In disguised observation they are not aware whereas in undisguised they do know. Ethnography: a qualitative research approach that often combines participant observation with interviews to gain an integrative description of social groups. Focal sampling: used to select a particular member (or unit, such as a parent-infant dyad) who will be observed at any given time.