PSY-3705 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Deep Time, Sexual Selection, Mutation

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Why study human sexuality: average partners have similar oral microbiota--transfer of around 80m bacteria per intimate kiss, men evolved as hunters; women evolved as gatherers. Deep time genesis analogy: earth begins (4600m years ago, monday, tuesday--replicator; simple cells (approx. 3000m years ago: wednesday--simple cells; photosynthesis (approx. 2250m years ago: thursday--starting with photosynthesis, ending with complex cells (1500m years ago) Saturday--invertebrates (570m years ago), fish (500m years ago), life on land (450m years ago), earth green (400m years ago), amphibians (360m years ago), reptiles (300m years ago), mammals (65m years ago), **our story--early hominids (5-8m years ago) [multiply, vary, let the fittest live and the least fit die] Sexual gives possibility of getting rid of mutations (asexual is exact copy) Size of gametes related to investment (ova and sperm) Our story: early hominids (5-8m years ago, early hominids lived in trees over 8m years ago, but then (less than 8m years ago) .