SOC-1020 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Institutional Racism, Slow Food, Antimicrobial Resistance

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29 Aug 2018

Document Summary

Can you apply it to analyzing a range of social issues (always good to try it out on a social issue/problem of special interest to you, or an issue currently getting a lot of news coverage, etc. ) The sociological imagination is a process of thinking about specific actions in the context of all that is affecting it - through the eyes of sociology. The self affects society and the society affects the self. Private troubles are issues that are a result of personal actions and require agency to solve, while public problems are larger societal issues that require greater amounts of change. One example of a public problem is obesity, and we see that in the readings on. Gender/food certain individuals are appalled at mothers taking people to mcdonalds (which they believe perpetuates this obesity), when in fact it is a societal problem that the mother can only afford to feed her children unhealthy, processed foods.