ANTH 103 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Essentialism, Medical Anthropology, Franz Boas

134 views3 pages
24 Sep 2016

Document Summary

Holism/holistic: refers to the study of the whole human condition (time, culture, society, language, etc. ) Culture: traditions and customs, transmitted through learning, that form and guide beliefs and behavior of the people exposed to them. Food production: the cultivation of food and domestication of animals, replaced foraging in most areas between 10,000 ya and 12,000 ya. Biocultural approach: using and combining biological and cultural perspectives and approaches to analyze and understand a particular problem. Enculturation: the gradual assimilation of an individual or another culture to the customs or traditions of a different culture other than their own. Symbols: physical objects, colors, sounds, etc. which convey information through and abstract and culturally assigned meaning. Agency: the ability of humans to play a role in the formation of societies and cultures in which they are a participant. Ethnocentrism: viewing or judging other cultures and ethnic groups from the context of your own, generally believing your ethnic group is correct or the best.