RELS 108- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 13 pages long!)

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Document Summary

The university ( the academy: where mind clashes with in , where one confronts, test, analyzes and either accepts or rejects new ideas. Judaism, christianity, islam: all knowing all powerful god/all"ah. Immanence- sacred reality is part of/within the natural world. we all have buddha nature, we get clouded by ignorance or wrongful desire. Ii. prominent with respect to human welfare: sacred reality has an impact on human lives. Judgment day is also strongly present in christianity. Iii. properly determinative of various aspects of human existence: among most faith traditions it is suggested that we order our lives in ways consistent with sacred reality. Sacred realm: within religions, the sacred realm is the thing most right to desire because it is the one reality. all else is illusory and temporary. Stories that help us explain our universe and out place in it.