COMM 4024 Study Guide - Final Guide: Actual Malice, Curtis Publishing Company, Punitive Damages

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Any commutation that holds a person up to contempt, ridicule, hatred or scorn: slander spoken (much less problematic, libel written (usually encapsulates broadcast) Libel demonstrated: any false communication that holds a person up to contempt, ridicule, hatred or scorn. A reputation was damaged in the eyes if at least a significant minority. A person was deprived of social contacts. A person was deprived of the ability to work, hold a job or earn a living. Libel is a tort a legal case when someone does something to harm someone else without committing a crime (civil action) The plaintiff"s burden of proof (publication, identification, defamation, damages, falsity, fault: rarely goes to court, but when it does must prove: Publication- occurs when a third person sees the allegedly defamatory material. Identification- occurs when the allegedly defamatory material is shown to be of and concerning the plaintiff. What if the line falls somewhere between 25 and: but .