HNFE 1004- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 77 pages long!)

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Research from columbia university studied 300,000 men whose mothers were pregnant in this famine. They were more likely to be obese. Later research showed greater heart disease risk. Refers to what is happening during the pregnancy. Seen particularly in rural areas, and urban areas where. Nutrition and disease risk people don"t have access to fresh foods. The genes you inherit may give you a greater or lesser tendency to develop conditions like obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes. The nutrients and food components you consume and the amount of exercise you get can increase or decrease your risk of developing nutrition-related diseases. Your actual risk of disease results from the interplay between the genes you inherit and the diet and lifestyle choices you make. Relates to gene expression (how the genes express themselves) and it can be altered. What we eat strongly affects our risk of disease, and ultimately our risk of an early death.