PSY 331 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Emotion Classification, Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning

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23 Jan 2020

Document Summary

Working models of availability of love, acceptance, support; formed early in childhood and develops over life heavily backed up when you"re hurt, how do the people around you react? can you ask for support? (and vice versa) Securely attached i find it easy to get close to others i am comfortable depending on them and having them depend on me i don"t worry about being abandoned. Avoidantly attached i am uncomfortable being close to others it"s difficult to depend on others i get nervous when anyone gets too close partners generally want to be more intimate than i want. Classical conditioning (pavlov) a stimulus that naturally elicits a certain response is repeatedly paired with a neutral stimulus; eventually, the neutral stimulus will eventually elicit that response examples: pavlov"s dogs, leather couch story. Aka the is-ought logical fallacy if something is natural, it is good or morally correct and vice versa deriving an ought from an is .