BCOM 201 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Spiral Model, Game Players, Serious Game

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5 Sep 2018

Document Summary

Exam 5 guide: research examining educational television has primarily focused on two key areas. Correct usage and grammar: what did researchers learn when they studied the learning children gained from their study of the television program schoolhouse rock? . Short term: primes aggression-related mental scripts and schemata. Repeated exposure: helps hardwire aggression-related mental structures and may ultimately result in more aggressive personality. Higher levels of aggressive thoughts, emotions, and behavior. Rewarding violent behavior during play increases hostile behavior. Desensitization to violent acts from playing video games. Increased physical arousal: while other researchers disagree with the studies that produced these findings, another group of researchers have proposed a third side to this two-sided coin. Aggressive players seek out violent video games to satisfy needs. Teaching is more effective if students are motivated to learn, receive instantaneous feedback, and can apply their knowledge in a variety of different contexts. Video games can be a useful tool for education.