Biology And Biomedical Sciences BIOL 2960 Midterm: Sp18 L33-35 Guide

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Study guide 13: eukaryotic rna processing & translation (lectures 33-35) At the end of this unit, you should be able to define and/or use the following terms and concepts: rna processing. First/last exon definition: regulation of spliceosome assembly. Untemplated polymerization: 5" splice site (5"ss), gu b. 3" splice site (3"ss), ag: branch point a, self-splicing introns. Er localization b. ribosome d. srp receptor: signal peptide, srp. Identify which phosphate groups came from the mrna and which came from gtp: outline the steps by which the 5" cap is added to an mrna, describe how the rna pol. Point a sequences in the mrna; u6 snrna; u2 snrna; and u5 snrna. Know which components are required for catalysis: draw the intron lariat structure which is released after splicing, properly depicting the location of the conserved. Provide a description of how that protein will be trafficked to its final destination. Identify common protein post-translational modifications and the enzymes that add them.