Biology And Biomedical Sciences BIOL 2960 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Histone Acetyltransferase, Histone Methyltransferase, Histone Deacetylase

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At the end of this unit, you should be able to define and/or use the following terms and concepts: Bio2960 spring 2018: eukaryotic vs. prokaryotic transcription: spatial separation of transcription and translation; transcript processing; general transcription factors; cis-acting elements; Gene structure in eukaryotes: promoter, core promoter, enhancer (distal, proximal, downstream), intron, exon. Dna packaging in eukaryotes: nucleosome: histone, beads on a string (10 nm fiber); chromatin (30 nm fiber); heterochromatin; chromosome. Histone structure: octamer, histone- histone interaction, histone-dna interaction, minor groove, modifiable histone tail: lysine, acetylation, methylation: basal transcription initiation in eukaryotes: In a test tube (i. e. naked dna): core promoter, tata box; pre-initiation complex, general transcription factors: Tfiid (and tbp within it), tfiib, and tfiih (helicase and kinase), rna polymerase ii. In a cell (i. e. with histones): mediator, histone acetyltransferase (hat), chromatin remodeling complex, atp: transcription regulation in eukaryotes: