Biology And Biomedical Sciences BIOL 2960 Midterm: Sp18 L38-41 Guide

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Study guide 15: cancer (lectures 38-39) and microbiome (lectures 40-41) At the end of this unit, you should be able to define and/or use the following terms and concepts: cancer, telomerase: prevents telomere. Tumors are clonal, transformed cells (note: this is different than. Cancer mutations: oncogene: proto-oncogene, cell cycle accelerator , overactivity, types of mutations, tumor suppressor genes: cell cycle brake , underactivity, genetic mutation, epigenetic inactivation. Hallmarks of cancer: no apoptosis (programmed cell death), blood supply, telomere maintenance, proliferative signaling (ex. growth factor), evading growth suppressors, metastasis. Cells: ras: small g-protein, gtpase activity, growth factor signaling, kinase cascade, retinoblastoma (rb): g1 cyclin/cdk (cyclin-dependent kinase) complex target, transcriptional repressor, inactivation by phosphorylation, p53: guardian of the genome, dna damage checkpoint, activates p21 (cyclin/cdk inhibitor) transcription. Results of sequencing projects: classifying tumors by shared mutations (rather than organ of origin), dna repair genes (brca1/2), driver vs. passenger mutations: microbiome: