[Psych 100B] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (51 pages long!)

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Reasoning by analogy: linking information to something else we are very familiar with. Availability bias: reasoning based on info that easily comes to mind. Confirmation bias: tend to seek out info that confirms our bias. Framing: the way information is presented can alter the way we perceive it. Receiving a number and comparing it to that of others. Detection of differences (e. g. weights: which is heavier?) Heritability of intelligence: totally genetically determined, no environmental influence on intelligence. French ministry tasked them to perform a test to determine which school children would succeed/struggle in a typical school environment. Created tests that a typical child of age x could perform: mental age (game brain age) stanford-binet: specifically defined a test of intelligence for children (up to age 16) Intelligence quotient (iq) = (mental age/chronological age) x 100. William stern was in fact the first to define iq.