L33 Psych 100B Study Guide - Final Guide: Autonomic Nervous System, Phencyclidine, Caffeine

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Psychoactive drugs: changes in consciousness that can affect behavior, range from stimulants to depressants, most common: caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, tranquilizers, illegal drugs. Depressants: alcohol by far most common. Low doses produce general sense of well being. Extremely high does (bal>. 7) can result in death. Stimulants: nicotine, caffeine, cocaine, produce general increase in both somatic and autonomic nervous system. Jitters and other physical manifestations: mild stimulants (nicotine, caffeine) can have beneficial effects on performance. Hallucinogens: marijuana, lsd, phencyclidine (pcp- angel dust , distort perceptions. Mild distortions (e. g. , marijuana): general slowing of time, increased attention to sensory input. Severe distortions (e. g. lsd): multi-sensory distortions (e. g. , sound produces visual, tactile experience) Not conscious aware of all we attend to. Sensory psychology: how we know about the world, general principles apply across all sensory systems. Receptors (neurons), highly specialized: adequate stimulus form of energy that would most likely bring about a response in the sensory system, i. e. light and sound.