L33 Psych 100B Study Guide - Final Guide: Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder

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Post-traumatic stress disorder: intense fear, helplessness, or horror, linked to traumatic, painful event, symptoms: Dissociative symptoms becomes detached from others, emotionally numb. Factors related to recovery of ptsd: trauma source, deal with the origin, person depends on coping style, post-trauma environment the type of support the person has for recovery. Impulses thoughts of doing something awful: age of onset = 6-15 for men, 20-29 for women, compulsions - repetitive stereotypically behavior that the person is engaged in, e. g. checking, cleaning, counting. Comorbidity rates for anxiety disorders: anyone with a primary diagnosis anxiety disorder also have a secondary diagnosis of something else, most likely see anxiety and depression together. Cognitive/behavioral treatments: phobias systematic desensitization (wolpe) fear hierarchy, ocd exposure + response prevention in same situation and approach different responses. Biological treatment: ssris used for individuals with depression -> for anxiety as well (co-occur)