20 views2 pages
10 Jun 2020

Document Summary

A learning i connected with relates to brenda mcmahon"s article in which she shares enid. Lee"s framework for understanding anti-racist practices in school environments. Many equity initiatives that i experienced during elementary school stayed at the surface level. Practices remained at the first two stages, and maintained systemic structures. An example of this would be during ramadan, in which staff members acknowledged the month during morning announcements but daily activities resumed as normal. Muslim students who were fasting were still expected to sit with other classmates while they ate lunch in the cafeteria. They were also made to participate in gym class, despite having lower energy levels due to hunger and dehydration from fasting. Approaches did not challenge inequitable practices and kept them intact. The transitional stage would entail studying units that focus on the various countries and cultures that practice ramadan while the core curriculum, policies, and practices remain unchanged.