PSYB10H3 Chapter Notes -Social Cognition, Safe Sex, Kurt Koffka

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26 Oct 2012

Document Summary

Social influence to psychologists is broader than one person to change another person"s behaviour. Social psychologists look at similar questions as philosophers but look at it in a scientific route. They must make educated guesses = hypotheses -> test by performing experiments -> tease it to result in one or another outcome. The role of construal in conflict negotiation: ross naive realism- special kind of construal. Both sides understand that the other side perceives the issues diff but resist compromise -> fearing that their biased opponent will benefit more than they. Gave their own group their own pledge saying it came from other but still liked the one they. Social psychology compared with sociology social psychology focuses on social behaviour that is like sociology. Social psychology compared with personality psychology: when trying to explain social behaviour, personality psychology focuses their attention on individual differences. Sociology: general laws and theories about societies, not individuals.