BIOL 3120 Chapter Notes -Antigen, Leukotriene, Allergen

61 views2 pages
12 Mar 2014

Document Summary

Immediate hypersensitivity: an exaggerated immune response mediated by antibody (type i and. Ii) or antigen-antibody complexes (type iii) that manifests within minutes to hours after exposure of a sensitized individual to antigen. Delayed-type hypersensitivity (dth): a type iv hypersensitive response mediated by sensitized. Th cells, which release various cytokines and chemokines. The response generally occurs 2 to 3 days after th cells interact with antigen. Some people, referred to as atopic, are predisposed to generate ige (mainly memory antibodies) antibodies against common environmental antigens. Many allergens have enzymatic activities that affect immune response. Third, many allergens enter the host via mucosal tissues at very low concentrations, which tend to predispose the individual to generate th2 responses, leading to b-cell secretion of ige. Binding of ig to these receptors results in the degranulation of cells. These mediators act on surrounding tissues resulting in allergy symptoms.

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