CHEM 1A Chapter Notes - Chapter 3: Molecular Mass, Ionic Bonding, Ionic Compound

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1 May 2016

Document Summary

Chapter 3 - molecules, compounds, and chemical equations (pp. Representing compounds: chemical formulas and molecular models (p. 90) An atomic-level view of elements and compounds (p. 93) Formula mass and the mole concept for compounds (p. 107) Determining a chemical formula from experimental data (p. 114) Chemical bonds, the forces that hold atoms together in compounds, arise from the interactions between nuclei and electrons in atoms. In an ionic bond, one or more electrons are transferred from one atom to another, forming a cation (positively charged) and an anion (negatively charged). The two ions are then drawn together by the attraction between the opposite charges. In a covalent bond, one or more electrons are shared between two atoms. The atoms are held together by the attraction between their nuclei and the shared electrons: representing molecules and compounds (3. 3, 3. 4) A compound is represented with a chemical formula, which indicates the elements present and the number of atoms of each.