EWS 145 Chapter Notes - Chapter 15: Promiscuity, Marital Rape, Feminist Movement

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Before feminist movement and sexual liberation, women found it hard to assert healthy sexual agency. Sexist thinking taught females that sexual desire and sexual pleasure were only male things. Females had no basis on how to make a healthy sexual self. Demanded that dependable birth control was made accessible to everyone. Before birth control, female sexual self-assertion led to the punishment of unwanted pregnancy and danger of illegal abortion. Author fears a world where women is risking being impregnated every time she becomes sexual. Men want sex and women fear it (but desire it) Multiple testimonies of what women do to prevent sexual advances. How they cope with marital rape and risking death to deal with unwanted pregnancies. The world of female sexuality was changed by the arrival of feminist sexual revolution. Now females face few obstacles preventing their expression of sexual desire. We still live among generations of women who don"t know sexual pleasure.