CHEM 202 Chapter 25-26: CHEM202_TextbookNotes-2-25-26

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Intact untouched or uninjured; kept or left whole. Intangible: not capable of being perceived by the sense of touch, hard to grasp or define exactly. Tact sensitive metal perception of what is appropriate on a given occasion. Tactile: pertaining to the sense of touch, tangible. Tangent (n) line or surface meeting a curved line or surface at one point, but not intersecting it. Apprehend: seize or take into custody, understand. Apprehensive: quick to understand or grasp, fearful of what may come; anxious. Abject sunk or cast down to a low condition; downtrodden; deserving contempt; wretched. Conjecture guess; supposition; inference dejected downcast (" thrown down"); discouraged; depressed. Projectile body to be shot or otherwise thrown forward. Subject force to undergo something unpleasant or inconvenient; expose; make liable to. Aversion feeling of repugnance toward something with a desire to turn away from it; strong dislike; antipathy.