CHEM 471 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: The Units, Antoine Lavoisier, Hydrogen Peroxide

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14 Feb 2017

Document Summary

The properties of matter are determined by the properties of atoms and molecules. Atoms- are the submicroscopic particles that constitute the fundamental building blocks of matter (free atoms are not found in nature; they bind specific geometric arrangements of molecules) Atoms and molecules determine the properties of substances they compose. Chemistry- the science that seeks to understand the behavior of matter by studying the. Adding one more oxygen atom to water(h2o) turns it into hydrogen peroxide which is behavior of atoms and molecules essentially bleach. Scientific knowledge is empirical - it is based on observation and experiment. Qualitative - noting and describing how a process happens. Quantitative - measuring or quantifying something about the process. Studied combustion, made careful measurements of the mass of objects before. Concluded no change in total mass of material within container. Falsifiable (good) -it makes predictions that can be confirmed or refuted by.