CHEM 1001 Chapter : Chapter 01

12 views28 pages
15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Sensory information is essential for all theories of motor control and learning. Focus in this book is on three types: touch, proprioception, vision. The greatest concentration of these receptors are in the fingertips di: greatest concentration on fingertips, tactile receptors, pain receptors, temperature receptors, pressure receptors, mechanoreceptors, mechanical pressure and distortion. Role of tactile information: movement accuracy, movement consistency, movement force adjustments, movement distance estimation. Proprioception: this is the sensory system"s detection and reception of movement and spatial position of limbs, trunk, and head. Types of proprioceptors: muscle spindles, within fibers of most skeletal muscle, mechanoreceptors, detects changes in muscle fiber length (stretch) and velocity (velocity of the stretch) Involved in voluntary movements: golgi tendon organs (gto) In skeletal muscle near insertion of tendon: detect changes in muscle tension (force, not very good in detecting muscle length changes. Joint receptors: not one type, but several. In joint capsule and ligaments: changes in force and rotation, changes in joint movement angle.