BIO 106 Chapter Notes - Chapter 25: Straight Arterioles Of Kidney, Peritubular Capillaries, Renal Pelvis

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15 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Kidneys help urea get out in urine: briefly describe the kidney functions: Waste excretion of urea, uric acid, nh3/nh4+ Control of water, osmotic, and ph balance. Important for blood pressure regulation (regulation of fluid/blood volume) Important for proper cellular function (ie. action potentials, because they rely on ions in the right place) Produces renin in bp regulation, erythropoietin, and vitamin d metabolism: gross anatomy of kidneys: Renal cortex: outer layer of the kidney. Renal medulla: inner layer of the kidney. Major and minor calyx: cavities that receive urine. Renal pelvis: where urine is sent then to the ureters. Ureter: urine is sent here from the renal pelvis to the urinary bladder. Fibrous capsule: outer protective layer of fibrous connective tissue. Peristalsis: smooth muscles in calices, pelvis and ureter - moves urine forward to the urinary bladder: nephron: where you produce urine and where filtration occurs.