01:694:301 Chapter Notes - Chapter 3: Voltmeter, Spontaneous Process, Hydrolysis

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Free energy change ( g) tells us whether process will require or release energy. Drives many critical processes: protein synthesis, folding of proteins into their functional conformations, transport of ions across membranes, extraction of metabolic energy from nutrients to make atp. System = any part of the universe that we choose to study: example: a single bacterial cell, the whole laboratory, the earth, etc. Surroundings = anything that"s not the system. Exchange material (nutrients and excreted wastes) with surroundings: isolated systems can exchange neither matter nor energy with surroundings. Energy is conserved in a closed system. In a closed system, energy can be exchanged with the surroundings in the form of work or heat. State function = initial and final states of the system: h = hfinal - hinitial. Reversible process is near a state of equilibrium: at equilibrium when: It is the lowest energy state of the system.