BIO SCI 47 Chapter Notes - Chapter 2: Adrenal Gland, Sympathetic Nervous System, Autonomic Nervous System

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Sympathetic nervous system kicks into action during emergencies. Epinephrine and norepinephrine (neurotransmitters) are released, chemical messengers kick various organs into gear. Neurotransmitter s are neurons that send chemical messenger. Pituitary gland doesn"t have its own plan, it follows the brain"s orders. The brain controls certain pituitary hormones by stimulating their release and controls others by inhibiting them. Hypothalamus contains releasing and inhibiting hormones which instruct pituitary. They are secreted by adrenal gland and act similarly to epinephrine. Epinephrine works in seconds, glucocorticoids make these actions last for hours. When something stressful happens or you think a stressful thought, the hypothalamus secretes an array of releasing hormones into the hypothalamic-pituitary circulatory system that gets the ball rolling. Crh triggers the pituitary to release the hormone acth. After acth is released into the bloodstream, it reaches the adrenal gland and, within a few minutes, triggers glucocorticoid release. Glucagon, glucocorticoids, and the sympathetic nervous system raise glucose levels.