HLT 4302 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4: Androgen Replacement Therapy, Urinary Meatus, Vas Deferens

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Chapter 4 Practice Questions
Where is the penis attached to: The perineum
The shaft is the body of the penis.
What is the function of the urethral orifice: Semen and urine secretion
Which component of the penis attaches the glans to the foreskin: Frenulum
The loose skin that covers the shaft of the penis all the way to the glans penis is known as
the foreskin.
Circumcision is the procedure done to remove the foreskin from the penis of infant
Too much smegma (a cheesy substance) from Tyson’s glands under the foreskin can
irritate the penis cause discomfort and infection.
The urethra is a tube that runs from the bladder to the tip of the penis.
What is the average size of a penis while in an unaroused state: 3 inches
The scrotum hangs loosely at the root of the penis.
The testes are the male reproductive glands inside the scrotum.
The vas deferens is usually the location of sterilization.
How much fluid does the seminal vesicles secrete during the ejaculation: 60%
How much of the seminal fluid in the ejaculation does the prostate gland secrete: 30-35%
Ejaculation is the process by which semen is expelled from the penis.
Refractory period is the period in males following ejaculation where they are incapable
of being aroused again.
What chromosomes are seen in a female zygote: XX
What causes an erection: Blood flow to the penis
Secondary sex characteristics are changes to the body other than the genitals indicating
sexual maturity.
Leydig cells secrete androgens.
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Document Summary

Where is the penis attached to: the perineum. The shaft is the body of the penis. What is the function of the urethral orifice: semen and urine secretion. Which component of the penis attaches the glans to the foreskin: frenulum. The loose skin that covers the shaft of the penis all the way to the glans penis is known as the foreskin. Circumcision is the procedure done to remove the foreskin from the penis of infant males. Too much smegma (a cheesy substance) from tyson"s glands under the foreskin can irritate the penis cause discomfort and infection. The urethra is a tube that runs from the bladder to the tip of the penis. What is the average size of a penis while in an unaroused state: 3 inches. The scrotum hangs loosely at the root of the penis. The testes are the male reproductive glands inside the scrotum. The vas deferens is usually the location of sterilization.